
I am so excited that you have dropped on over! Let me just tell you a little about myself. First off, I am a real person. Yes, believe it or not. I am a mom, wife, friend, business owner, crystal lover, singer, among many other things. Most of all, I am simply ME. I truly don't like labels, so let's not define anyone by such.

I am actually new to the scene of crystals. A few years ago I just woke up with this sudden desire to learn about and work with crystals. I know I am a natural crystal healer for I feel it in my being. I just went from 0-60 over night. I studied under Hibiscus Moon of the Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy and received certification as a Certified Crystal Healer (CCH) and Certified Advanced Crystal Master (ACM). I also studied under Ashley Leavy of the Love and Light School of Energy Medicine where I received certification as a Certified Crystal Reiki Master (CCRM) and Certified Stone Grids Practitioner (SGP). I continue to study and learn all I can about crystals, energy healing and other spiritual/metaphysical ideas.

I also enjoy providing Oracle readings and picture reading...another thing that I just picked up one day. It's like someone turned on the light switch on. I am an intuitive, an empath, and I am claircognizant. I have some awesome Kimtuition, as I call it. We all have abilities so please know I don't claim to be special. All of us are special. Don't ever forget that.

I do have another branch of Re-Creative Resources. I have extensive experience working with seniors and older adults, as well as training Activity and Recreation Professionals who work in long-term care, assisted living and other health care facilities for seniors and elders. I am a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (CTRS) as well as an Activity Consultant Certified with a specialty in education (ACC/EDU). I have this love for the elderly and I continue to offer products, resources, and education for those that provide quality of life to the elderly and individuals with disabilities.

It's a busy life but it's mine and I am blessed to be surrounded by wonderful, supportive friends and family. I don't think outside the box but rather choose to live as though there is no box. Our society makes it hard to do this but I strive toward this anyway. I know I don't fit in. I never have, so why start now.

My politics include the basic understanding that all life on this planet is important and no one is more deserving than another. Many speak of healing the world and raising everyone's vibration. I feel the most important thing we can do right now is change ourselves. That is exactly what I am doing. I work on myself a little each day and because of that I can reach out to others. I may not be a big internet sensation but I can say with 100% honesty, that I do not wish to be famous or even well-known. What I wish for is for all to be happy, free, healthy, and live a heart-centered life. Is that too much to ask for? I don't think so.

With Many Blessings,
Tri State Area-USA
Crystal Supplier and Healer, Crystal Coach, Spiritual Coach, Psychic