[Must Read!] have never heard of something like this. ...

Susie Bokar

New member
Ok I give free readings in a few psychic groups when I am drawn. Just a few days ago. Another quite popular psychic will call him V ...was giving reading to an unknown psychic ... i Call her T...We are still trying to figure out where she came from!! Anyway. .. T became highly upset. Told V that his soul attacked her soul and she didn't appreciate being stabbed. Said she followed his silver cord to get to him. T then told V he better watch his kid cause she could astral project @ a Dragon right now and deal with the son. It got way out of hand! I don't even know how to explain as this can't occur in my realm! You can't just instantly astral project as animal? Crazy talk. Actually sounds demonic. So there is more. I have to save that for tomorrow. Good thing I have protection and feeling brave.![emoji171] [emoji56] [emoji56] [emoji56] [emoji95] [emoji173]
Wow, just WOW! sounds like the same person I've been hearing about from other people, and may have even been in my group at one point. Wow...

I look forward to hearing more of the story.

I don't know what possesses people to act and speak in such a manner. I don't understand people. That's why I gravitate toward animals; I can understand them. :)
THE STORY CONTINUES...After T tells V she will astral project to son as Dragon right now and teach him lesson. V is incensed that his son being threatened in this manner. Goes off on T for saying these things. Obviously no more reading. By then Page Admin on Facebook pulled crazy Plug on conversation.
Fast forward One day. I actually spoke to V very gifted and sought after psychic in. free reading group. At least he can laugh about now and believes this woman T is psychotic w. Substance abuse issues at a minimum. We are not afraid of her for ourselves just the ones she preys on their weaknesses. Very sad commentary 😲
I always say Awareness is Key. Education is Everything. Lot less chance of you being caught up in something like this if you keep an open mind and know crazy folks on every street corner preying on weaker folks every day. I actually co admin a Facebook page for this very thing ❤ . Now I must contact T and get to bottom line. What is purpose? What is her intent? So.. After talking with my Guide and much Shielding. Grounding. Meditation I decided to Pm her. WARNING ⚠ don't do this without a circle of protection wrapped around you!!! Any hesitation DON'T Do IT.

Basically came down to more crazy talk... Said she was capable of jumping from her home 🏠 to mine and manifestations in Form of Extinct creatures. All righty then. It was actually humorous to me...so juvenile!

She quickly blocked me after about 5 minutes of Twilight zone.

There you have it.... Latest Facebook predator....
THE STORY CONTINUES...After T tells V she will astral project to son as Dragon right now and teach him lesson. V is incensed that his son being threatened in this manner. Goes off on T for saying these things. Obviously no more reading. By then Page Admin on Facebook pulled crazy Plug on conversation.
Fast forward One day. I actually spoke to V very gifted and sought after psychic in. free reading group. At least he can laugh about now and believes this woman T is psychotic w. Substance abuse issues at a minimum. We are not afraid of her for ourselves just the ones she preys on their weaknesses. Very sad commentary 

I always say Awareness is Key. Education is Everything. Lot less chance of you being caught up in something like this if you keep an open mind and know crazy folks on every street corner preying on weaker folks every day. I actually co admin a Facebook page for this very thing ❤ . Now I must contact T and get to bottom line. What is purpose? What is her intent? So.. After talking with my Guide and much Shielding. Grounding. Meditation I decided to Pm her. WARNING ⚠ don't do this without a circle of protection wrapped around you!!! Any hesitation DON'T Do IT.

Basically came down to more crazy talk... Said she was capable of jumping from her home  to mine and manifestations in Form of Extinct creatures. All righty then. It was actually humorous to me...so juvenile!

She quickly blocked me after about 5 minutes of Twilight zone.

There you have it.... Latest Facebook predator....

That's a lot of pent up anger in that one, that's for sure. Who thinks to do something like that anyway? WTF? WOW!

I wonder if we are talking the same person Bernadette???

I can't help but wonder if it is. It sure sounds like the one. It honestly wouldn't surprise me to find out one day that it is. And sadly, it wouldn't surprise me if there are many acting in the same manner, because I know they're out there.
Firstly WOW! I haven't heard of Spirit or Higher beings attacking anyone else. Firstly because they come in forward in Love and Positive Energies. I have, however, heard it being said that its best to be wary of the living more so than the dead as the dead or passed over to the spirit world can't possibly harm you. Having said that they are indeed energy so its best to ask first if they have malicious intentions and if they do perhaps ask them to step back and leave your fields entirely. Goes for living & any energy that you are unsure of. I have also heard it being said that its best to ground up and protect your energies just to be on the sure side. Now as far as psychic or spiritual attack goes, yea, there is a lot out there with people not having their heart in the right place, I've come across a few of those, but if you send out a lot of love and healing it does help and also it helps them to rethink the situation and step back.

IF you do come across this circumstance happening again the best alternative is to call in your Gatekeeper and escort ANY and ALL negative Attaching Entities or Energies living or otherwise that are connected to the situation and ask for him or her and the angels to escort them all promptly out of your aura space and therefore personal space and also your home/working space, then just leave it be. The best thing would be not to message them directly as its like the blast from the past scenario, ask Spirit to move their vibrations away from yours entirely, otherwise they can perhaps reconnect through the cord(s) if meant to be. I hope not as I hope you do cut your emotional ties and also cord cut with AA Michael. It really does sound like the mind and emotional game element happening here as well as a lot of background "spiritual" or energetic warfare going on which really does give the path a not so good name.........but, needless to say the least, it is a learning curve for all involved and those standing on the cusp too. If in doubt send out Love and Positive Healing Light to lay your mind at peace too.
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