Recent content by SUNSHINE


    Say Hello / Introduce Myself

    Just thought i would pop in and say hello and i am finally back. I know i have been gone for a while but i had so many problems trying to get back in here and finally i got through - the spirits must have been kind to me that day. I have learned a lot and have so much more to learn so i am...

    trying pendulum

    Hello angela i type in caps because i am sight impaired and not yelling. Sound like your connection to your pendulum is very real i might be wrong and i am sorry if i am wrong but when you said you found the crystal on your mom's property i am sensing that you are drawing power from both your...

    There, not there

    Hi connie189 i am sight impaired so not shouting but i would like to respond to your comment about catlady and her orbs. I do understand that sometimes things that we can control may look like orbs to us (dust on lens of camera or things like that) however the orbs in catladys picture are very...

    Been away for a while - so sorry

    Hello to everyone both old and new I know I haven't been around in a while but I have had so much going on in my life of late that I kind of folded in on myself for a while. I am back now and with some sad news. I lost my Toby cat that was 13 years old and never sick a day in his life. he was...

    Missing Engagement Ring

    Thank you so very much Lady of Light for your help. I did not find my ring and I guess the truth is I never will because he got rid of it but on a much happier note I did manage to find my gold chain and cross that had also been missing for some time now - like a couple of years. after tearing...

    Missing Engagement Ring

    Lady of Light you are describing exactly where I have been thinking all this time it is. It is in the top cupboard in something glass and the light shining might be the tv right across from the cupboard. I will get someone to check for me tomorrow as I can't stand up to check myself and my...

    Missing Engagement Ring

    So is there any one that has a clue for me as to the whereabouts of my missing ring???? Please don't anyone feel that the truth might hurt my feelings because I can tell you for certain the not knowing is much worse than the knowing it is gone. Any help would be greatly appreciated and thank...

    [Please Read!] My question is about orbs

    Well when I see these orbs in all of the videos they are balls of light/energy. Some of them are very small and I can't see anything in them and for the most part they are very fast moving. Now when the larger orbs come I freeze the frame and I look into the orb and I can see who is inside...

    Missing Engagement Ring

    That is why I was asking if anyone might be able to pick up on where in my house my ring really is because i know darn well that I would never burn my diamond ring - I might have been sick but I am not stupid. Would just like to know once and for all if it is really gone so I can put my mind at...

    Missing Engagement Ring

    Well this is worth a shot since nothing else I have tried has worked. Quite a while ago I had to have my engagement ring cut off my finger due to swelling and I thought I had I thought I had put it in my bedside table and went looking one day and it wasn't there. I was frantic and asked my...

    [Breaking news!] About dreams that seem more than lucid

    The first time i went flying was with Clarisse (my spirit guide) and i took her arm and up we went but like you said lady of Light it took some time. Now on my own when i go all I have to do is kind of take a leap into the air and before I know it I am soaring through the air and over those...

    [Breaking news!] About dreams that seem more than lucid

    Oh my Lady of Light I am so happy to hear that someone else can fly besides me. I was beginning to think I was weird !!! I haven't gone flying in a while now and I am asking Clarisse to take me again sometime or that I can go on my own. The feeling I get while flying is such a wonderful...

    [Breaking news!] About dreams that seem more than lucid

    Hello everyone today I would like to stretch my legs a little and tell you all of some of my other experiences. First off I do have lucid dreams and by times there can be a lot of them. Not really knowing where to start here but I can fly and no not in an airplane - just by myself. The first...

    [Please Read!] My question is about orbs

    Hello Rosenrot I can see both human and animal orbs and spirits. Just before CatLady lost one of her fur babies I could see a lot of cats and they seemed to be surrounding the one that was in the process of crossing rainbow bridge. Since that time she has lots a few more fur babies and the...


    Hello everyone and am I glad I popped in to read this thread. So it is called channeling - hum I never knew it had a name but I have been doing a lot of this and especially when I am reading a picture. A lot of times when I am looking into a picture I will begin to see spirits coming forward...