[Breaking news!] About dreams that seem more than lucid


New member
Hello everyone today I would like to stretch my legs a little and tell you all of some of my other experiences. First off I do have lucid dreams and by times there can be a lot of them. Not really knowing where to start here but I can fly and no not in an airplane - just by myself. The first time I flew it was with Clarisse (my spirit guide) and she took me to the other side. What I saw there was more than amazing and more than beautiful. First we flew over the most plush meadows and over hills and huge trees full of leaves. There were children playing under the trees and i could hear their laughter. For as far as the eye could see there was splendor everywhere. The next place Clarisse took me was the hall of records. This was a huge white building and inside was a record of every living human. These records were wrote by each of us before we were born and no one is ever allowed to look into the record because we write out own death and only God can know when out time is done on this earthly plain and it is time for us to cross over. Now please keep in mind that I am being told all of this by my spirit guide so I firmly believe it to be true. Since then I fly whenever I want and can go wherever I want. I have been back and forth to the other side many times and it seems I can cross over and come back any time I like. Is there anyone else here that can do this or fly on their own ??
That's really awesome that you can fly at will, heck, even to lucid dream. I don't lucid dream often, and even less am I able to fly in my dreams, but I have done it. It's been quite a while for me.
Oh my Lady of Light I am so happy to hear that someone else can fly besides me. I was beginning to think I was weird !!! I haven't gone flying in a while now and I am asking Clarisse to take me again sometime or that I can go on my own. The feeling I get while flying is such a wonderful feeling and quite often when i return back to my earth bound body i have such a feeling of euphoria. There are other things I have done also but don't want to sound too weird or strange but would love to see if others have or can do these things too. Let me know if it would be okay to tell of more things i can do or just hold back for a while.
Oh my Lady of Light I am so happy to hear that someone else can fly besides me. I was beginning to think I was weird !!! I haven't gone flying in a while now and I am asking Clarisse to take me again sometime or that I can go on my own. The feeling I get while flying is such a wonderful feeling and quite often when i return back to my earth bound body i have such a feeling of euphoria. There are other things I have done also but don't want to sound too weird or strange but would love to see if others have or can do these things too. Let me know if it would be okay to tell of more things i can do or just hold back for a while.

It's been quite a while since I've flown. But one thing i remember when I would do it, and it started to get more regular (not that it ever really was "regular") was that at first, it would take a lot of effort, and take the majority of my dream time to get off the ground, then it would be easy. over the course of time, it became much easier, but always took some effort.

I'd love to go flying again in dreams. One of my favorites.

Share what you want, don't hold back if you don't want to. :) I can breathe underwater in my dreams, always have.
The first time i went flying was with Clarisse (my spirit guide) and i took her arm and up we went but like you said lady of Light it took some time. Now on my own when i go all I have to do is kind of take a leap into the air and before I know it I am soaring through the air and over those plush meadows and beautifully dotted green fields with trees. I have been to Rainbow Bridge but I have never crossed it. As far as I know living people can never cross the bridge but when we cross over we can go to the bridge and all of our pets will be there to greet us. I have been asking a lot lately to go flying because I feel it is time for me to go but so far it hasn't happened. I will be sure to let you all know the next time I do get the chance