trying pendulum

Angela young

New member
I've made my own pendulum from a crystal I was drawn to that I found on mom's property. I'm getting very consistent answers but it's very odd that I literally feel the connection, so is this normal? I feel a real like intense feeling in my hand and wrist not negative but I definitely know there's something going on.
Trust your first thoughts, set aside second thoughts as those are doubts settling in. From my experience with working with stones and pendulums, this is always the best approach. First thoughts are your intuition talking to you. Second thoughts usually cloud the message(s) that are coming through. So best to set those gently aside and as always, trust in your first feelings, thoughts, imagery, etc. If its negative, it may be that the crystal could do with cleansing. You can try asking the crystal which method it prefers but if no answer, then full moonlight would work just as well. Only go with what sits right with you and your tool, of course, only if you feel drawn to clear it as well.
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I've made my own pendulum from a crystal I was drawn to that I found on mom's property. I'm getting very consistent answers but it's very odd that I literally feel the connection, so is this normal? I feel a real like intense feeling in my hand and wrist not negative but I definitely know there's something going on.

I would imagine that because you feel such a strong connection, literally feeling the energy off the crystal, that you would get much better results from the readings. And yes, for some crystals, some pendulums, I would imagine it happens a lot. I'm no crystal expert, but I do know energy, and you are in-tune with that crystal from the sound of it. :harp: :thumb_yello:
Thanks I have been doing different types of testing, have someone put something in their pocket ask is it right? It's answering true! I'm excited but still hesitant to really use it much in reading although I have used it to confirm something I was getting from a reading I did yesterday. :agree:
Hello angela i type in caps because i am sight impaired and not yelling. Sound like your connection to your pendulum is very real i might be wrong and i am sorry if i am wrong but when you said you found the crystal on your mom's property i am sensing that you are drawing power from both your mom and the crystal. Never second guess or doubt yourself and i know it is much easier to say than do but when you start to believe in yourself a little more your answers will become much more clear to you. Bless you and l&l