
  1. S

    Say Hello / Introduce Myself

    I am laying down some thread to say Hi! :)
  2. L

    [FYI] Types of Things That Can Be Posted Here

    Threads can be started for the "What's in the Box?", or "What's under the cup?" or things like that. Just putting it out there, because this was started over in the facebook group, but got a little out of hand, so we can move that over here. Post as many threads as you want; one thread per item...
  3. K

    [ALERT!] Missing Persons

    This is a new thread for Missing Persons. Post a pic of the person missing and all the details you can find. We are more than willing to HELP!
  4. Glossary of Terms and Definitions (Forum Lingo)

    Here are some of the most common terms you may read around the forums: Advanced edit - Is the full text editor. In advanced mode, you have access to all the editing features. Attachments - Attachments are file uploads users can download from replies and threads. Avatar - An avatar is a small...
  5. [How to:] How to Reply to a Thread on the Windsor Tarot Forum

    Write up to follow!
  6. [How to:] How to Start a Thread on the Windsor Tarot Forum

    Write to follow!
  7. L

    [Please Read Before You Post!] Rules For Posting For Free Readings

    Rules are as follows, but are not limited to: If you are posting a picture to be read, please only post one picture unless you have been asked to post another one. If you are posting a picture, please try to post a recent picture, and try to make sure the eyes show, and that the picture is...