Lady of Light

I'm gonna go ahead and start gathering and posting useful information on crystals and other things I come across in my travels. I already have quite a bit gathered on a bunch of different crystals, so I'll start there.

Anyone else who has stuff like that to post, please, let's get this place going.

We can use information on Chakras, and Auras, and just because I'm posting on Crystals doesn't mean that no one else can. Please, post what you've got, for the sake of helping others.
just a little, lol.

would be better split into their own categories, like the orb stuff under orbs, and the chakras under chakras, and so on. just saying. :) little hard to follow like this. :)
i'm still going to leave this here, but it's easier to follow this stuff if it's split up and sectioned under their own things is all.

thank you for providing the information, it is greatly appreciated! :)
it's ok. :)

Alright, so for example, you take the ones on Chakras, you find the Chakra forum, and start a thread, try to make the title descriptive, but for lack of anything else, something like "Information on Chakras". Then, put the chakra stuff there. Same with Auras, and anything else you've got in their own separate threads per topic.

:) :) :)
I will consult with Rumas, because part of me wants to leave it as an example, and another part of me wants it removed because of clutter. I'll see what he has to say, and if he says it should go, then this whole conversation never happened, lol. :)
yes, yes it did, lol.

anyhow, ya, we're gonna leave it here just because it's an example of how NOT to do it, lol.

but, other than that, i just wanted to say, now that i'm past the majority of being sick and i'm feeling a ton better, I guess i'll be getting back to work posting information through the forums. I had to take the break because there was no way i could focus properly, lol. so, ya, time to get back to work for me.