Lady of Light

Gathering information for some research here. I would like to know what blood type you have (with RH if possible), and what psychic abilities you possess.

I have noticed that the hands-on healers that I know tend to be type A+, and other psychics, specifically those with premonition and the like (that i know of) are type O+, so I can't help but wonder if blood type has anything to do with what types of abilities that we possess as psychics.

Your input in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks. :)
RH? I am type O+ and do energy work and read tarot. I am still learning and opening up to my abilities though.
I am O+. I don't know what all abilities I have, as I gain all the time, but I "see" things, that's probably simplest. I also do energy work and heal distantly. I cannot heal hands-on.
I am A Positive and I am psychic, medium, empath, clairvoyant, clairaudience - my abilities seem to be growing in leaps and bounds right now. I see spirits, talk to them, see orbs and colours. I think that is the short version for now as I am always willing to learn
Hi Everyone! So Bernadette Poirier and I were chatting yesterday about all the different "gifts" we have, how it could/may be passed down through our family and we came up with a question. Do "gifts" and blood type correlate? Sooo, we are doing a spread sheet with (your permission) your blood type, your "gifts". Names will be withheld from public forum, it will only be used privately so we do not duplicate. We will update you with our finding on a regular basis. We are so excited to do scientific research to see who we are all tied together in the exciting Universe of pure energy, which we are made up of. Please respond either be pm me or post on this thread. REMEMBER! No names will be published! We are not going to use this data for any other reason but to answer a question. Does blood type differ between our different gifts, are out gifts hereditary, and how well are we all really connected?
Thank you and bless you...
Please ONLY state your BLOOD TYPE and your GIFTS.BLOOD.jpg
If you posted your blood type and your gift's already on the FB forum and I clicked "like" please do not re-post. We need to make sure there are no duplicates.
I see your data is already forming. Are you still collecting info? And what about the negatives you posted about a+ and o+ So I was wondering about the negative results , I'm so interested.
Kelly Devine. I posted a+ empath, healing but forgot cards..and tarot but angel cards is choice
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I am RH-. I don't know the names of my abilities but here it goes. I can hear, smell, see, and communicate with the deceased. I can predict things. I can read people. I can feel people that are living that are not even around me and tell there loved ones what is going on. I can read pictures for the most part.
did you post your 411 yet? I'll be posting the current results very soon but we would like to keep this thread on going. It's a great way to scientifically evaluate the coalition between gifts verses blood type. I'm very excited to be allowed to be doing this! Thankyou! Oh! and the results will NOT show names...