Hello, I'm Samantha


New member
I'm here on this page because I need someone to talk to/learn from and to be my friend/friends. When I was younger I had dreams that were very short, but I could feel objects/tastes within my dreams. The dream that I remember the most is of me and my family eating at Cracker Barrel and I put a cherry tomato in my mouth and popped it while looking of a group of older women sitting near us. Months later the dream happened the exact same way I dreamt it. Later on the dreams became normal part of my life and happened all the time, but now the dreams rarely happen. Also, in my early teenage years I was able to see spirits (not people exactly a human form....more like white and black mists) I talked to a woman in my house (the last owner's wife died in a car accident), but she didn't talk back, but it was like I knew what she was there for. Later on when I was fifteen I was reading a book till 2/3am in the morning, but I stopped when I saw a black mist appear and it went over to my leg and stayed there for while and went away. The feeling I got from the mist was that it was overwhelming bad. I was too scared to communicate with whatever it was, but the place where it stayed had a bruise on it for about a week afterwards. After the encounter with the black mist, I moved from the house and saw "shadow figures". When I was over at my friends I thought I saw a dog next to me, but when I looked nothing was there. The same thing happened a couple of times after that with shadows of people. Lately I have been feeling out of touch with my abilities (whatever they are....I have no idea). I can also guess numbers correctly (I don't know if that means anything), but I feel like I am loosing my abilities. Is there anyway to get back in tune with what I had? I miss seeing the inviting white spirits (although that might seem weird, it was homelike). I have predicted events that have played out in my life, but is that the same as predicting the future? I would love to know about any of you and if you had any experiences like mine.

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Hi Samantha.

You've got quite the range of abilities from the sound of it, and if tuned in could be quite powerful and useful.

Question, have you been stressed out a lot recently? Because that will play a big part with the loss of ablility. Being sick will do it to.

It's not so much that you are losing your abilities, it's just that they have taken a back seat so to speak. You need to bring them back out into the forefront and use them. Using them is the best way to keep them active so they don't go dormant. And rid yourself of stress as much as possible, because stress will block them out. If you've got a lot going on in your life, that too adds distraction so you won't have the clarity and focus you need for your ablilities.

I suggest meditation, grounding, and use what you have as much as you can. that will keep your abilities active as well as help you hone them and tune them in better, and maybe even gain more ability as time goes on.
Thank you for your comment and you are right. I am in a stressful situation right now with my sister and college. I'm removing my self from most of the stress in the coming month when I move. My question is how would I be able to actually use my abilities? From my experiences, it has always been at random. Is there something I can do to try to use my abilities more often or make it so it's not as random? Or is it supposed to be random? I'm sorry for the questions, you've already helped so much. Thank you.

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to practice the dream stuff, ask for it before you go to sleep. if you are relaxed enough for it to come through, it will. for the spirits, learn to sense when they are around; you should be able to feel them near. and from there, try to communicate with them as best you can. Also, meditate, ground, shield to allow in what you need in, and keep out what you don't want to let in.

yes, it always seems to start off as random, but once you realize what is going on, it tends to get more frequent, and finally to the point of all the time sometimes. Learn what all you have, and focus on what is most apparent first, then branch out from there, because you have more than what you think you have. Pay attention to everything, too, that will make you see that it's more than just random.