Ball of light


New member
Hello. I saw something and I have no clue what it was and was wondering if anyone else had seen one or knows what it could be.
One day my mom and I were driving down the road and a green glowing ball about the size of a basketball flew right in front of us. Then darted up toward the top of the tree line and we couldn't see it anymore. According to the description of fireballs it doesn't fit as it was very low and still bright same with meteors they say by the time they are close to the ground they no longer glow and being that close wouldn't a meteor fall straight down due to gravity , this thing flew straight across then up. Plus it was during the day , Any ideas ?
I followed a meteor which was about 100 ft above the tree line at a shallow decline. It was across the treeline and was still burning hot green with a green tail. Idk about meteors not glowing close to the ground, it's my understanding that as long as there's a chunk of high velocity meteor to burn, there's friction to burn it and glow to be had. The thing I think peculiar is that last bit about it moving upwards, not typical physics... Although it could hypothetically be falling at a shallow enough angle to appear to be moving horizontally. It probably wouldn't just fall as it's high velocity would be not as fast I wouldn't imagine as a bullet, but definitely fast enough to maintain forward momentum while avoiding just simply dropping. Once more though, I don't think that'd allow the thing to go up.... Odd. I don't suppose you recall any missing time or peculiar marks or illnesses for that matter afterwards did you?
Thank you much for taking the time to reply , I don't recall any lost time , mom and I were in the car so I couldn't just jump out and try to follow , it was moving fast , no tail , as to sickness if my memory serves me right this happened in 2009 or 2010 , my mom already been having seizures she did continue to get bouts of sickness after and passed in 2012 , I can't say there's a link. I just always wanted to know what it was. Any way no matter what it was I got to see it , peace,love&light
I have other things to add about my mom if you'd like to hear them , it don't really have much to do with this meteor / light but then it could. Peace,love&light
i would say ufo, for lack of better term. doesn't necessarily mean alien, but it's something. it certainly doesn't sound like a meteor. it may just be some sort of being that lives in that form, or travels in that form. Heck, i've heard stories that sometimes with astral travel, a person can take a shape and be of light, so who knows really.

It's possible that some of the things with your mom have everything to do with that light, especially if they started afterward. I love stories, so if you find them relevant, i know i'd love to hear them.
Thank you lady of light. The moment when we saw the light fly I said wow did you just see that my mom was like yea and at the same time we said that thing is being chased. So we waited but didn't see anything else. After that my mom seemed like she knew what it was and don't talk much about it. My mom was always different every illness was the rare one the unexplained one the how could you not know you had one. She died of brain cancer that started in the bladder type of rare bladder cancer , or so were told she also had unexplained seizures and auras of one , where she would just go blank. She'd be in another world , we also had the rh factor she's o- which says a lot scientifically. I've learned so much about o- blood so very interesting. And since she was o- I made her sick during pregnacy and she said when I was born I was pronounced clinically dead but thankfully they brought me back lol. My moms whole life is a bit if a mystery . That's why I I like Kelly's idea about blood and abilities. I do believe it's linked. :) anyway I could go on forever hehe. But I do remember having a dream about being up ducted and tested on it was very real but they assured me it was ok and they just needed to make sure all was well the dream got more intense then I felt like I was falling and woke up. I wish I had kept that life journal. So I could see if that happens around the same time I saw that light
Thank you for listening. Peace,love&light
Offworlder connections are very much present, although many don't talk about them simply because they don't understand it quite so much or it scares them, which is okay as many humans are not ready to hear it either, however, its interesting though because in my findings and journey I have come across star beings/ufos for want of a better wording something that is not of this world or alien per such. I used to be aware of them not every so often but always at around the same sort of time from 10 o'clock, for 2-5 minutes ish, when I lived in Cambridge as we lived in a cul de sac area of the road where it was quiet and I had a skylight where I used to watch them from, they'd take form of golden light in mid air like a bright golden star but there wasn't any noise, but where one could just about pinpoint the outline of a ship within it manifesting a bit similar to auras and energies and orbs really, they appear in the same way I have noticed. Hmm... though the ships I've seen through objective clairvoyance in the past just about pinpointed through the golden starlight haze, I don't talk about often though, as again, I've found people clam up about it. So what I will say to you is If you EVER feel drawn to watch the skies okay or pulled towards the night sky go and look out as that pull / drawn/ connection usually means there is something to see. At least in my experience this is the case. It was only recently that I found out through another worker that works with the InterGalatic Nation as this person liked to call them that the ones I had been seen were connected to the Sirian Star Constellation, the Pleidians/seven sisters constellation and the grays. But now I only go to the night sky as and when drawn to and it isn't often that I pick up on them now unless I dream about it. Sometimes have found it has scattered my energy so have felt the need to recenter the energies. As often in the vastness of universe one does have to be careful with the energy coming through if opening or linking in; never know what's out there, sometimes. The mind is limitless in this respect.
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thank you for sharing. Yes earth is a mere speck of dust compared to the vastness of the universe! What I saw was in the middle of the day ! And yes I love to theorize about it with open minded people but many are closed minded and I am believe there is so much more to this universe and even our planet then most people would ever dream.
Very much so :) Happy if my response has helped. Best to keep an open mind about it, though. Definitely so! When the mind is in question anything is possible.