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First of all I would like to thank you in advance for reading my post and I really hope you can help me. If I only had the money to pay for a private reading I would do that but right now that's not possible so pls bear with me

My family and I are going thru a major financial crisis, we are seriously in debt. My question is will we get through this difficult time? Will we be able to pay off everything, will we be able to start over or recover. Each day for almost 2 yrs now we have lived in constant fear and heartache, and the knowledge that this will eventually get resolved will be such a relief.

Pls help me. Thank you.


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Although it looks bad now, like there is no hope, and no where to go, I do see good coming. And when I say good, I mean more than just hope. I see what appears to be a strong, powerful woman, who has found her way, she has come into herself and has taken control over all maters physical and emotional. I see going down the right path, confident, sure, knowing exactly where the road goes, and happy to go and get there. I see a supporting role, as a woman stands behind her man in support of him and what he has chosen he must do. And, I see major transformation, and healing, mostly on an emotional level.

So, yes, I see things getting much better. When? I can't say, but I do see it coming up, and it is the next step along the way, meaning there is nothing between where you are now, and the good that is coming. From what I see, although I can't gauge time, it will be a little while yet, but shouldn't be too much longer. Just hang in there! It's coming!
Thank you for responding. I'll be praying that things turn out the way you said it would. I still have questions as to which direction i should go next in terms of taking steps to help my husband with our situation, but i understand that i can only ask one question. And your response gives me such hope. Thank you again
Help pls

Good day to you!
I apologize in advance for asking for another reading so soon, but an opportunity presented itself after the reading you did for me last friday and Im hoping for guidance whether to take it or explore other options. As i've said on my first request we have a considerable financial problem so I dont want to make matters worse.

The picture Im going to post is that of my cousin (she is wearing a black dress) this is the most recent pic I can find of her. She offered to finance a business idea that i've had for sometime but couldn't start bec of lack of funds. Im wondering if I should push through with it or just find a job? We will become business partners in effect, but already the conflict between us when making decisions are apparent.

I really hope you can enlighten me on this. Thank you in advance. I will also attach a pic of me if possibilities


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Help pls


I apologize for asking another reading again. However an opportunity came up and Im not sure if I should take it, as I've mentioned in my previous thread my family and I are going through a big financial crisis and i dont want to make it worse.

My friend is offering to finance a business idea that i've had for a while but couldn't push through myself due to lack of funds. We will become business partners. But we are already having conflict. Should i go through with it or just apply for a job?

I will attach both our pictures. She's the one in the black dress. It's the most recent one i can find.

I hope you can help me again. Thank you


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Re: Help pls


I apologize for asking another reading again. However an opportunity came up and Im not sure if I should take it, as I've mentioned in my previous thread my family and I are going through a big financial crisis and i dont want to make it worse.

My friend is offering to finance a business idea that i've had for a while but couldn't push through myself due to lack of funds. We will become business partners. But we are already having conflict. Should i go through with it or just apply for a job?

I will attach both our pictures. She's the one in the black dress. It's the most recent one i can find.

I hope you can help me again. Thank you

I hope this reading doesn't come too late. I'm sorry I couldn't get to this until now.

I'm getting a very mixed reading on this. That tells me that you need to go with your gut instinct on this one. I'm seeing issues with the past, and I'm seeing you as feeling very fragile and trying to look ahead and see what is coming on the horizon. I do see some changes coming ahead, but you need to remove the past and whatever issues you've had with her in the past and put it behind you. I'm also seeing legal matters. I'm not sure if that's because of legal dealings you've had with her before, or it is legal matters dealing with this business deal, but whichever it is, it looks like it works in your favor. I'm seeing lots of distrust and fear here, but again, it's related to the past being brought to this now. So, really the decision is up in the air because you are truly divided on this. You MUST go with your instincts, not with your head, or heart. Listen to your inner voice, and you won't be steered wrong.

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