[Please Read!] My question is about orbs


New member
Hello everyone I hope you are all having a wonderful day. Today I would like to ask a specific question about orbs. A member of this group and I have been doing some work around orbs in her house. Every evening she sends me multiple videos and in every single one of them there are anywhere from 2 or 3 to upwards of 10 orbs all flying around her room at various rates of speed. Now I know these orbs are her past relatives and I can stop the videos and make them go frame by frame and stop most of them right on que to tell who the spirit is. sometimes the spirit talks to me and I am getting to be quite a fan of theirs. They mean my friend no harm and quite the contrary - they are there to help her and she knows this but my question is this - why is it that sometimes they pass through the room at lightening speed and are very tiny and other times are quite big and they saunter through in no particular hurry at all. Sometimes they almost appear to be playing with the dog. Now the dog is very aware of these spirits and most of the times doesn't really pay too much attention to them and other times they seem to upset her. She knows where they come from and where they go to and are very consistent with their entrance and exits of the room. On occassion there have been some wayward spirits that stop by to rest before going on their way. My friend has one there now and this spirit told me she had come from very far and had a long way yet to go so she thought she would stop and rest before moving along. She also told me that she means no harm so not to be afraid. Again i don't have an answer as to why the speed or lack thereof. Sometimes it is almost as if they are tempting me to see if I can actually tell who they are and yes I can certainly tell who they are. It is quite a game we play and look forward to this evenings show and to see if our weary traveller has moved on or not. If anyone has any answers for me I would greatly appreciate the knowledge. I am learning in leaps and bounds and I thirst for more answers as to why and how I am able to do what I do. I also read pictures and sometimes the spirit in the picture has messages to give to the person that asked me to look at their picture. Any answers would be so greatly appreciated and I hope I have done this right and I hope and pray that everyone has a wonderful and blessed evening
My take on the speed and size, is that because orbs are energy manifestations, they are all vibrating and varying frequencies, and therefore are larger or smaller depending. Not all spirits can manifest at the same level, so they do try their best. Some may be condensed, the small bright ones, some may be very loose, the big dim ones, and you'll get all kinds in between. Since it takes a lot of energy just to manifest that little ball of light, all the energy for manipulation may be used up just manifesting and nothing left over to move, and with the fast ones, they are able to use energy without a problem. Maybe they've been at it a while, so it's easier for them. There are many reasons, many explanations. And I think I'm jumbling my thoughts here, lol. Sometimes, they might just BE playing, or trying to get attention, so they come in different sizes, colors, and speeds.
Thank you so much Lady of Light. I will take this into consideration tomorrow when the orb show is on again. For this evenings entertainment I was almost blasted out of the universe. For the first time the orb was so bright i could actually see it coming towards the window and then through the glass and through the curtain and across the room. It was so bright and I knew exactly who it was because it showed down just enough for me to capture it by freeze framing her and it was on of my friends aunts that belongs to this entire family of orbs/spirits that have taken up residence with her since her time of need began. Oh and the traveller has left for the next leg of her journey and she never did tell he her name.
Thank you Lady of Light! it is my house that has so many visitors lately!! Sometimes, now I can feel my hair being tickled and I watch my animals look and stare at strange places on the walls. Once I may have been frightened, but now I just say hi to my aunts or other relatives or yell at them for getting the dog too excited LOL I can almost tell from my dog's behavior when they have arrived and that is when I will start recording!

Next question though, Can all of this activity give me headaches?? I've had a doosey every night for over a week and although I kept thinking I was just getting sick, I'm not, and now I wonder........

Thanks again :)
CatLady tell everyone about the bug spray odor and the nausea. You know my take on this already but for those that don't I thought the bug spray odor was a way of one of her aunts that loved gardening telling her that she had stepped present. This odor also causes nausea and a stinging or burning in her nose, throat and eyes. I also entertained the idea that one of her aunts passed from a head trauma and that CatLady could feel her aunts pain. I have told CatLady that i can feel pain when someone has passed from head trauma and once was reading a picture for a friend and got the most violent pain in my head. This turned out to be because the man in the picture had been decapitated and what i felt was exactly what he felt just before he crossed over. If anyone can help CatLady with her headaches I would be most appreciative of this as would she and thanks to everyone xx
That sounds like an amazing experience. I only have taken pictures of orbs, and are somewhat skeptical when it comes to some pictures. It would be neat to see orbs, friendly ones anyway. lol.
Hey there Rosenrot it really is neat to see the orbs. I will ask CatLady to post a sampling of our evening entertainment for all of you to see. Now some evenings are more active than others but last night was supreme and this evening so far has been very good with one new family member popping up to be noticed that up to now hasn't shown any signs of being around. CatLady does the videoing and then she sends the video to me and I watch the entire thing through once to get a feel for where they are coming from and then I go back and watch the whole thing again frame by frame and when an orb comes into my view i can freeze the video and look into the orb to see who's face it is and this is how we spend some fun evening time. What is really great is that i am at one end of the country and she is in Ontario but we can still do this
Sounds like fun. Is it only human spirits that manifest or could former pets manifest as orbs? I really don't know much about orbs.
Hello Rosenrot I can see both human and animal orbs and spirits. Just before CatLady lost one of her fur babies I could see a lot of cats and they seemed to be surrounding the one that was in the process of crossing rainbow bridge. Since that time she has lots a few more fur babies and the spirits of the ones already crossed also surrounded the new one crossing over. I have never had the chance to see if I can see the spirits of other animals yet but i have seen cats in orbs before and can tell which cat it is most of the time
That sounds really beautiful. I have only seen orbs in photographs and not really sure what I am looking at or can tell the difference.
Well when I see these orbs in all of the videos they are balls of light/energy. Some of them are very small and I can't see anything in them and for the most part they are very fast moving. Now when the larger orbs come I freeze the frame and I look into the orb and I can see who is inside the ball of light/energy. So far all of the videos I have seen are of CatLady's family that have crossed over. Lady of Light I think was the person that clarified something for me in that the brightest orbs may have been those of our loved ones that have not been gone for very long as opposed to the larger ones that may have been gone for a long time
If it is ok with CatLady, is there a way to post a little video of one of the orbs? Not trying to be rude or anything. I think it would be neat to see orbs in motion.
Have to say I do agree with Lady of Light here. Also that there are many different types of orbs but they are energy manifestations or materializations of energy. For example; I have been blessed to been connected with an angel orb full of high vibrations in a white dazzling energy sphere that had the head-shape manifesting from it. Unfortunately at the time as I was chatting to a friend, we assumed that it was AA Zadkiel but never actually asked whom it was. So I would say orbs are similar to auras in the concept that when the orb appears into an energy manifestation in the physical, it is the equivalent of seeing the auric energy of spirit, for example, again is the spidery energy that I sometimes see...as orange. Wherein you can make out the outline of spirit within the orb/aura essence. This is why I often ask before tuning into someone's photo as one would be tuning into the energy of that photograph; same concept with captured spiritual energies in photos too, or in reality. Though they do expend a lot of energy while manifesting as an orb! Tis true.
Have to say I do agree with Lady of Light here. Also that there are many different types of orbs but they are energy manifestations or materializations of energy. For example; I have been blessed to been connected with an angel orb full of high vibrations in a white dazzling energy sphere that had the head-shape manifesting from it. Unfortunately at the time as I was chatting to a friend, we assumed that it was AA Zadkiel but never actually asked whom it was. So I would say orbs are similar to auras in the concept that when the orb appears into an energy manifestation in the physical, it is the equivalent of seeing the auric energy of spirit, for example, again is the spidery energy that I sometimes see...as orange. Wherein you can make out the outline of spirit within the orb/aura essence. This is why I often ask before tuning into someone's photo as one would be tuning into the energy of that photograph; same concept with captured spiritual energies in photos too, or in reality. Though they do expend a lot of energy while manifesting as an orb! Tis true.

I agree that there are indeed many types of orbs, and they are not all manifestations of spirits. They are all energy, that is certain.