New member
Hello everyone I hope you are all having a wonderful day. Today I would like to ask a specific question about orbs. A member of this group and I have been doing some work around orbs in her house. Every evening she sends me multiple videos and in every single one of them there are anywhere from 2 or 3 to upwards of 10 orbs all flying around her room at various rates of speed. Now I know these orbs are her past relatives and I can stop the videos and make them go frame by frame and stop most of them right on que to tell who the spirit is. sometimes the spirit talks to me and I am getting to be quite a fan of theirs. They mean my friend no harm and quite the contrary - they are there to help her and she knows this but my question is this - why is it that sometimes they pass through the room at lightening speed and are very tiny and other times are quite big and they saunter through in no particular hurry at all. Sometimes they almost appear to be playing with the dog. Now the dog is very aware of these spirits and most of the times doesn't really pay too much attention to them and other times they seem to upset her. She knows where they come from and where they go to and are very consistent with their entrance and exits of the room. On occassion there have been some wayward spirits that stop by to rest before going on their way. My friend has one there now and this spirit told me she had come from very far and had a long way yet to go so she thought she would stop and rest before moving along. She also told me that she means no harm so not to be afraid. Again i don't have an answer as to why the speed or lack thereof. Sometimes it is almost as if they are tempting me to see if I can actually tell who they are and yes I can certainly tell who they are. It is quite a game we play and look forward to this evenings show and to see if our weary traveller has moved on or not. If anyone has any answers for me I would greatly appreciate the knowledge. I am learning in leaps and bounds and I thirst for more answers as to why and how I am able to do what I do. I also read pictures and sometimes the spirit in the picture has messages to give to the person that asked me to look at their picture. Any answers would be so greatly appreciated and I hope I have done this right and I hope and pray that everyone has a wonderful and blessed evening