
New member
I just wanted to say hi. I am empathic and do energy work. I have been attuned to Reiki 1, though I only practiced Reiki on my cat and boyfriend. I also read tarot cards. I haven't really read too many people though. I read intuitively rather than just by the book. I am still kind of new at some of this and discovering my abilities and path. I am also an artist who loves painting and photography. I also have an interest in crystals and their meanings, plus they are pieces of artwork themselves. Anyways thats a little about me. Oh my avatar is a picture of my cat Cleo. She is a brat but I love her. :heart:
I like your intro! When I went to school for Massage Therapy I worked on my dogs! My bf at the time was always out of the country on tour so it was just me and the boys most the time! I'd love to have my card read sometime... I have only been read 1x, and that was last week. (the 1st time EVER!)
What kind of dogs do you have? I love Irish Setters and Pitbulls and plan to get one of each some day. Also planning on getting a husky too since my boyfriend loves them. I can give you a reading tonight if I am on the same time you are, since it is free reading Friday. It would be my first time reading cards online though.
Oh! I have 2 min pins... Ike Turner and Marvin Gay, Ike is my psychic buddy. Always sits in my lap when I'm on the computer and Marvin is a healer, lays on my neck, back, knee's and ankles when they hurt. He even lays with my Mother, she's very ill with emphysema. He's the best!
Aww. Animals are very theraputic. :) My cat is more of ab emotional healer, when she wants to be of course. :)
cats are very cool but my last one Victoria broke me! Haven't gotten a cat since! And I think that was what her plan was... lol