[Confused!] Looking for a sign


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I have been wanting to connect with my father, Richard Hartley 12/27/53 and have been unable to do so through previous mediums. I had one psychic/medium tell me she was unable to connect because either he was a "bad soul" (which is not the case) or he has been re born all ready. I'm not sure what to think. He had a "talk" with me a week before he died, saying he would always be with me. I can not feel him, nor have I been able to. I just need a sign, anything to calm my heart.
Well, first off, you're right for not believing the "bad soul" bs. and he hasn't been reborn already either. I think that psychic/medium just couldn't get a lock on him (whether real or phony) and made up excuses as to why.

If you need a sign, then ask him for one. and then, watch for it. Heck, ask for many signs, just to make sure you don't miss them. Then, once you're watching for those signs, don't dismiss anything. If you have to question whether or not it is a sign, then it's a sign. That's why i say to ask for multiple signs, so that it doesn't slip past you, and you will surely be able to catch one of them.

I'm not a medium (would like to be) so I can't talk to him for you. I would if i could.

Just ask. He'll show you, in his own way.
Well, first off, you're right for not believing the "bad soul" bs. and he hasn't been reborn already either. I think that psychic/medium just couldn't get a lock on him (whether real or phony) and made up excuses as to why.

If you need a sign, then ask him for one. and then, watch for it. Heck, ask for many signs, just to make sure you don't miss them. Then, once you're watching for those signs, don't dismiss anything. If you have to question whether or not it is a sign, then it's a sign. That's why i say to ask for multiple signs, so that it doesn't slip past you, and you will surely be able to catch one of them.

I'm not a medium (would like to be) so I can't talk to him for you. I would if i could.

Just ask. He'll show you, in his own way.

Thank you so much for your time!!! I get confused, I feel like I'm just full of wishful thinking. I explain all the signs away with a logical explanation. I so desperately wanted someone to pick up on him, and tell me something only he would know. That way I would know he is ok.
I can tell you he's fine, i don't have to be a medium to know that. My empathic abilities give me that much.

You're problem is exactly what you've said, you explain away all the signs that you are given. You need to stop doing that. Trust in what you are shown. If a piece of paper falls at your feet with a word or a name on it, that happens to correspond with your dad, then take it as the sign that it is. I feel it's many things like that that you have overlooked.
can I see a pic of him? If I meditate over it, sometimes I feel, see, hear spirits (Angels and guides) thankyou and so sorry for the loss of your Father...