Missing Folder


New member
Ok, this may seem silly but I am missing some paperwork I need for a criminal or civil case against a certain art gallery owner. I need to give that info to the detective that other artist's and me are working with. My boyfriend and I looked around and can't find it. I think the paperwork is in a purple folder. Also I am missing my contract I had with a hookah bar in Akron regarding my art there. That contract was lost at my ex's though or could have been brought to my grandma's. I just thought I would give this a try.
What shade of green? I have a few different folders. Maybe I thought I put the paperwork in the purple one. Thank you. :)
can't exactly say. what i see is not a light green, nor is it a dark green, it's somewhere in between. i only know that i see a green folder, definitely not purple.

I really hope you find what you're looking for!