Thank you Lady of Light and Rosenrot. <3
Having thought about the matter a great deal the last couple of days, I think I should add that this pet was already compromised, and the illness/passing probably (hopefully) did not have anything to do with the reading that I did. Not to say that couldn't happen, I just think that in the case, the timing really was a coincidence and I was mis-reading the event.
One of the things I've been learning since exploring this realm, is that sometimes when I think the issue is about me (because I feel the pain) I am actually channeling or sensing someone else's pain. This pet had been named after a boy, a twin, that is the son of my friend's friend. The pet's twin sister is fine. After taking a step back from my pain over losing this pet, I began to wonder if his passing could indicate that there is an unidentified health issue with the boy he is named after. I have sent a message to my friend, asking her to pass this along to the boy's father, listing possible symptoms. They probably think I'm a nutcase, but hey, I would rather be wrong than not say anything and the boy not get medical help if needed.
I met the boy's father and the twins at my friend's house for the first time several weeks ago and I felt intense sadness - so much so I had to go outside and be by myself, I was literally crying and had to leave early. This was very unusual for me. Maybe it was because I was sensing that the pet would pass and I didn't know it, or maybe I was picking up on something from the father (he looked fine, I didn't see any sign of sadness, but as we know people can hide emotions). I will post later if I find out anything. As hard as it is to lose a pet, and I really loved him, I know the father's grief would be so much more if there is something wrong with the boy, and I hope that if there is a problem they will get help in time.