Pinkilocks Tarot, LLC, is hiring!


New member
Pinkilocks Tarot, LLC, is hiring experienced and new tarot readers immediately. My name is Jillian, aka Pinkilocks, and I am hiring 12 tarot readers immediately. If you are interested in a position, please e-mail me at your earliest convenience to or visit to apply. Please submit a CV containing your tarot reading experience, education (both in tarot and any other education completed or in progress), and current city of residence.
The pay scale is a percentage of my fee and is as follows:
50% for the first month
60% for the second month
70% for the third month
80% for the fourth month
90% for the fifth month and beyond
Please check for current tarot reading fee schedule.
If you decide to do marketing for the company on your own, please request that clients ask for you specifically when scheduling. Also, I cannot guarantee or estimate any income at this time. This is an independent contractor position to start, with potential to move up to full benefits and W-2 employee status after five months.
Thank you for considering this exciting position. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Jillian Sorenson