[Please Read!] Information About Free Readings on Fridays!

Lady of Light

Every Friday we will be offering a chance for members only, to receive a free psychic reading. You MUST be a registered member in order to participate.

There are many skilled psychics here as well as some who are learning their skills who are willing to give readings for free. These readings are done to keep the experienced psychics sharp, as well as to give samples of their services if they normally offer paid services (such as myself), and also to offer a chance for the psychics who are coming into their abilities to get comfortable with their gifts and gain confidence in their abilities.

We only typically only offer these readings on Fridays because it takes a lot of energy out of the readers to give readings to others. However, the forum will be open to post throughout the week.

Not everyone will receive a reading, even though they have posted for one. This is due to the large amount of members asking for readings, as well as the number of members reading for others. There is a much smaller amount of readers than the amount of people wishing to be read, and the number of readers varies from Friday to Friday.

Please be patient and understanding when asking for a reading.

If for any chance you cannot wait until Friday, or you want to ensure that you get a reading, you can pay for a reading at Windsor Tarot
There are many packages to choose from, and the prices are more than reasonable. Prices range from $2 to $110 depending on the package you choose.
Glad Friday, Friends! During the current week's free understanding we are not doing a week after week tarot card reading conjecture but rather concentrating rather on the best way to take advantage of the New Moon in Aries energies.Focus on the picture above take two or three full breaths to unwind and get to your instinct. Pick the number you are most drawn as well and look down underneath the following picture which is a filler to prevent you from topping…