Bernadette.. I have known my Spirit guide in life and death. She my mentor. She shares her experience and guides me every day. I have heard two different ideas. One. Spirit guide is Not loved ones crossed over. Two. Yes they can. So I am confused. She is present in my life almost daily I believe. Frequently in my photos.etc. Just question not reading? I want to learn
Anyone feel free to jump in ❤ She has also saved my Life on at least 2 occasions
In reading says it is possible for Ancestors to be Spirit guides. Ok
Kinda confused here. The article contradicts itself.
Is there anyway that pets who passed can be spirit guides?
it is my belief that anyone can be a guide for us at any time, even us ourselves guiding ourselves, because time is only existent here, in this realm. time does not exist on the spiritual planes, so we can be here and there, so can any other person or animal that has been or is still in our lives.
now, as for those who are with us always, i believe they are the ones that are with us throughout any of our lives, and throughout all of our lives, the same guide(s) each time, and that you can switch places and be each others' guide.
I have 2 guides that I am aware of, one male, one female. The female, Rebecca, has the more dominant role. The male, is more in the background, and I don't know his name. I was only given the name of the female from a psychic friend of mine through a reading and was confirmed when she performed reiki on me. Names are not important though. It is more important to acknowledge them, that they are there, than to know a name. Even then, they will be with you and guide you even if you don't. but if you wish to speak to them, then speak to them, as they are there to listen and convey whether they have a name or face or actual voice, or nothing at all.
Susie Bokar said:
She has also saved my Life on at least 2 occasions
I believe it! They'll do that when it's not your time to go.