Anyone have any experience getting rid of a spirit distantly? I need some advise!


New member
Greetings everyone! I'm new to this group and forum. I look forward to getting to know everyone!! Can anyone give me a little guidance? I'm an intuitive empath and medium and I've done a lot of house cleansings for people over time of getting rid of spirits in their homes and etc. However, I'm mentoring a girl that has just been awakened to her gift as an empath but she lives in a different state than me. Well, she is getting taunted by a few negative spirits. Is it possible to do a distance house cleansing?? Of course she has smudged her home using white sage and prayer. Normally I would run to their house and help them but in this case I cant and it's driving me crazy lol. I'm being told by my guides that it's a learning task for her but she needs my
help and assistance but I was just curious if anyone has any experience in my situation and could give me ANY advise. Thank you SO much!
Love and Light to all!!
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During my prayers this morning, I asked God and AA Michael for help and guidance. Anything to help my friend cause I KNOW they're things I could try. I just got done meditating and I felt drawn to channel thru my friend and imagine myself in her room just to see what I felt and I felt like I got in. I visualized and felt like I white lighted and cleared a lot but she said the house doesn't feel any different?? I'm stumped lol
I did not communicate with the spirits at her home cause It was my first time doing anything distantly like this. I don't want to do the wrong thing and provoke it and make things worse. I was being told by my guides not to. BUT I heard it hiss and growl and felt it's presence. I said a protection prayer and closed channel
It is totally possible to get rid of these things and cleanse a place distantly. I fear the problem might be that whatever is there has no reason to fear you, or her, so they won't leave.

Personally, I start by remote viewing and getting into where this is taking place, and seeing if there is anything there in the first place. Sometimes it is in the home and sometimes it is in or on a person. Once I find the thing, I talk to it, tell it to go, ask it if it knows who I am. I usually get laughter in return and these things don't want to leave on their own. They challenge and say they will stay, blah blah blah. It ends with me telling it that if it doesn't go, the I will remove it and that the place and/or person is under my protection, and then I either cage it first and give it another chance to leave on its own, or I just simply destroy it and send it out of existence. When I'm angry, I don't even give it a chance, it's a once over "leave", "no", and then it's done, I don't take crap.

This is the method that has worked best for me.

However, when you are dealing with something that someone else has placed there, things can be a bit more tricky. If someone has actually summoned a demon or dark entity, then it can be removed via the above method, however, if someone just simply placed something dark that they are in full control of, which causes fear and what appears to be a demon, then you have to block it out and send it back to it's source. and if the person doesn't give up on the attack, then it takes quite a bit of time and patience to continue to send things back until they finally give up.

Demons and dark entities are easy to deal with; live people causing things can prove to be difficult.
Thank you for your advise. I am going to try your method tonight. I Stated in a reply to this post that I felt drawn to channel thru my friend and imagine myself in her room. I'm assuming from your advise that's called remote viewing?? Defiantly going to do my homework on that for sure!
I feel confident that I can do this but having a STRONG sense that it's going to try and give a fight and with that I fear not going about it the correct way, I won't be successful and things will get much worse than they already are. She and her fiancé have seen the spirit 3 times each now and both said it looks demonic; much like the devil. They show it no fear as I'm told from her and fiancé. I feel like it is attached to my friend
yes, that would be remote viewing if you can see her actual room, or what appears to be.

You can do this if you are confident you can. Get in there, check everywhere you can to see this thing. Check her, check the home. If it's a demon, make sure you make it fear you. Use your mind to control it, and you have nothing to worry about. If you fear you might screw it up, then you might. You have to be fully confident. You can do this!