What to do?


New member
Hey folks. I have a question to ask if that's okay. What do you do if you have a friend/someone that you sorta think you know that you know who sends you energy from time to time and then you sense someone living sitting on the outskirts/edge of your energy? But you've not invited them in because of not trusting his intentions as such. I think this person (he's close contact friend to me) is knowingly sitting there on the precipice of my awareness, its like he's coming in too close for my own liking and its happening every time he sends the energy, which is getting draining, also to the point of where I don't want to be friendly with him if he keeps sending me unwanted energy.

But surely there ought to be no reason as to why they've parked themselves there. Its almost as though they were waiting for something from me. And its like I can sense their energy lingering still hiding in the shadows almost. I usually clear my energies frequently and often and I have asked my protector spirit helper to step up and scout the energies' perimeter too that come in so as to make sure they are of positive intention and that they are no longer lurking around in the depths of my awareness in terms of energy. I have asked AA Michael to protect me further and also got him to escort the energy out of my awareness and further away from my light/out of my life so I no longer have to feel him there.

Needed to talk to someone about this as its worrying me slightly, it comes across as not good in that sense of the word.
I'm not sure if he knows he's doing it though. But I've had it with them kind of people in the past; not willing to let them into my present, either.
I used to work with core shields a lot, maybe this might help steer him clear. Its just every time he sends me energy has me doubting as it means it gives him access to my energy fields. I don't feel tis negative energy he sends but do feel that his presence at the edge of my awareness is uneasy/unnerving. So yup, will try that, thanks for the idea. Cord cutting I may try with planet of Neptune's Moon energy as they are good for deeper cleansing as well.