Missing Person Info - How To Proceed


New member
Hi All!

I need some advice on how to proceed giving information regarding a missing person.

I used to do psychic readings on KEEN.com, back around 2003-2007.

Pretty much early into doing readings, I got a call from another adviser; she asked if I could describe the person of the picture she was looking at. I did. Then she said he was missing; she got a call in from a woman in Canada (his sister) looking for help in locating him.

I actually went into a "scene" in my mind and then sketched it out after I doodled it down, initially.

I think I actually figured out the location, even though the initial description was a little cryptic.

I asked some basic questions of the adviser; such as the woman's name and email; the adviser said that the woman wasn't responding to emails. (Which didn't make sense to me). I held back on the interpretation of the information I got in.

I thought about contacting the police department in Canada where this person went missing, but didn't know how to go about it and also other advisers on KEEN warned me that I would become suspect. (I've never been to Canada).

For some reason I feel I should give this information to his sister (or ex-wife) but am not sure what the protocol for this type of situation might be.

I'm not able to find information where the case has been closed; not sure if it is too old to access online and I need to call the city's police department directly.

If the sketch I came up with didn't correlate to the map I pulled up on Mapquest.com, I'd just forget it.

Thanks for any and all advice on how to proceed.
