Need Reading please...

Susie Bokar

New member
Need a reading please and thanks. Have something following me around house this week. Electronic disturbances abound with strange voice when I am home alone. Did quick banish along with prayers
Did it work or should I do something else. Thanks for any help ❤
no, i moved it from the ghost section. I guess i should've replied here and said so. So, no "duh" on your part, you were right, it was in the wrong place. :) It's all good.
Okay if I edit my pending reading request? I have pretty much been resolved to the fact that whatever was bothering me before is no longer. I have been meditating.communicating a lot with my spirit guide and no longer feel any issues at home.
Going forward, have been doing a lot of research on AURA & AURA READING. Would someone be able to give me an Aura reading instead?[emoji171]
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post a picture, and see if it can be picked up from it. i don't typically read auras, but once in a while i'm able to see them, either in a picture, or remotely. someone else might be able to pick something up as well
I think it is because we are raised in a shallow society. A lot of us are so self- critical, because we don't fit into society's distorted view of beauty. You are fine.:) I have a hard time liking my pictures too. I used to get angry a lot when my dad tried to take my picture.
I don't know why you don't like your own picture, you are gorgeous, and have a gorgeous smile. :)

You are a wonderful soul, gentle, kind, loving. You are genuine. I see a whole range of happy and sad. When you're happy, you're HAPPY, and when you're down, you're DOWN. Tired. I don't know if you're still full of fun, but you sure look like you were once upon a time.
Ok :) *deep breath* (because I am a newbie, lol) I am picking a beautiful bright neon blue colour which feel this links in with your aura, feel this is a healing colour that is showing you that you are capable of healing and directing healing energies out to people, whether it be through your words, idea, inspirational feelings or through your own communication. there's a feeling of being blocked as well in your throat center, so maybe you are suppressing your voice a lot and your own feelings aren't being heard.

There's a yellowy gold around your crown chakra which shows that you are questioning your own self, your sense of awareness and what you are sensing in relation with energy, doubts were settling in around you once upon a time but you have set them aside and are learning to trust in yourself and in your gifts. I feel also that these two colours link in with angelic energies, AA Michael springs to mind for the blue aura, but also the angel healing rays. Being the epitome source of positivity and communication, these two colours are working together to lift your moods so that you feel much more positive within the home-front environment. also feel white energy so as to say that you are aware of spirit and can sense them, but there's a feeling that your mind is so busy that its not taking time to listen to messages that are coming through within the silence/stillness...

Meditation would help you in your journey so as to quieten the mind just enough to be able to hear positive energies should you want to work with them as definitely do feel you are able to do so. Lastly am picking up the colour purple and the word of January, now purple links in with AA Uriel's colour so feel that he's around you also and helping you with creative projects that you have been thinking about, so feel there's been a particular dream on your mind that keeps coming back, either an idea or a project that keeps making itself known, well anyways last but not least see the colour pink which also tells me that your situation on the home front has been surrounded by angelic unconditional love so no further negativity will take place within your home. Will leave that with love from the energies that made this link possible today.

Angel blessings be with you! *lets out breath*