Can I get a Reading Please


New member
Hello... I'm new to this blog... If you would like practice reading I'd love the practice on me... I'm posting a picture to tell me what you see for this couple

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Re: I would like to practice if anyone would like to post

I'm not sure how to navigate this site

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Re: I would like to practice if anyone would like to post

I'm new here and if you would like practice reading is love to share a pic for reading to tell what you get from this couple

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Re: I would like to practice if anyone would like to post

bak, are you asking for a reading to gain deeper information? or do you know the answers already? because if you're looking for more information, a regular reading, then I have to move this to the free Friday reading section because this is for practice on images that the answer is already known.

for example, a crime scene years after the fact after all information is known by the poster, or a deceased person asking how they died, when it's already been revealed to the person posting, etc.

I'd love to read for you, but i need to know which kind of reading you're asking for. Thanks.
Re: I would like to practice if anyone would like to post

Ohhhh no I was looking for deeper information actually but now I know the image thing ok![emoji4]

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Re: I would like to practice if anyone would like to post

That was to lady of light

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Re: I would like to practice if anyone would like to post

I'm gonna go ahead and move this to the free reading section, and then I can do a reading for you. :)
Re: I would like to practice if anyone would like to post

He looks extremely comfortable, and extremely happy. Not going anywhere; she's stuck with him for a very long time. He has such a deep love for her.

As for her, I see fear, not sure why, but she's afraid. Worried maybe, over what though, about the relationship?

This looks like a great couple to me, happy, and deserving of each other. The only issue I see is that fear/worry from her. She need not be worried. He loves her more than she could ever imagine.
I needed to hear this[emoji4] and yes I'm in doubt and fear...I have always been in very abusive heart breaking relationships... That is me and a new relationship 2 months into it & it's moving fast maybe faster than I can handle. His divorce is not complete so I'm very concerned with the issues surrounding that...

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You don't have to worry about anything from him, from what I'm sensing. You are the love of his life! I sense so much love between the 2 of you.
[emoji4]thank you for the reading into that[emoji4]lady blessing to you!!

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